Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hello again!

This will be a quick post about some very impactful moments that occurred today!

1. Our group was able to help distribute posters around various neighborhoods for the SF Women Against Rape organization for their 10th Annual Walk Against Rape.
2. Our group recognized the incredible economic divide that can literally be seen along the same block in different areas of the city. Furthermore, gentrification is very prominent here and needs to be addressed.
3. Hattie, Miiko, Robby and I happened upon 'Vets Alley', a mural project that displayed stunning art and poetry along a block near San Fran's main downtown area. This was definitely quite an experience as many of us have relatives that are veterans and have suffered through war and the repurcussions it brings.
4. I learned that today is Transgender Day of Visibility!

Thank you and make sure to look up all of the wonderful things that the Women's Building in The Mission District does for women and children throughout the area and in the world as a whole.

Have a fantastic week!

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