Friday, April 3, 2015


It's been an honor and a privilege to travel with the Dream Team to San Francisco for their Catalyst Alternative Spring Break. Before leaving, most people I spoke with were ready to offer touristy suggestions about what to see and do. When I explained the nature of the trip, their reactions ranged from impressed to humbled and everything in between.


Prior to the trip we had pre-service and meetings to prepare for the adventure. I've been fortunate to work closely with the student leaders, Ayja and Miiko. They are exceptional and bring a wealth of passion, resourcefulness and energy to the experience. All students have been fabulous and we've all enjoyed getting to know one another throughout the week.

This week has been eventful and has stretched everyone (myself included) physically and emotionally to move beyond our comfort zone. You will see from the student posts that we volunteered at a variety of organizations to explore topics regarding poverty, homelessness, LGBTQ issues, and gentrification. Additionally, we had opportunities to visit some of the city's beautiful landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, fisherman's wharf and various neighborhoods.

It's been incredible to witness 12 students come together to explore an iconic city, ponder serious concerns, develop new friendships, discover new realities, and evolve at a personal level in an intensive week of high-impact learning. I really enjoyed our reflection time together as well as the opportunity to be a companion on the journey.

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